At 08:22 PM 11/6/03 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>I heard ten years ago that the National Semi fab on-site was a lowly
>2-micron fab. Which was enough for keying material.

And rad-hard circuits for their buddies at the NRO.

And 2 mics is fine for certain esoteric processes.  Got GaAs?
That's done on 6" wafers.  Of import to those who like listening to the

But if you want a suitcase DESCracker (stuffing Sun chassis
is so passe, though it was a fine recycling program and probably
emptied some space in JG's garage :-) you use 90 nm FPGAs.

NSA folks probably wear GSM and WEP crackers as cufflinks.
Maybe they have competitions to see who can program those
crackers on their kids' gameboys.

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