On Nov 8, 2003, at 11:06 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Cryptome received a visit today from FBI Special Agents Todd Renner and Christopher
Kelly from the FBI Counterterrorism Office in New York, 26 Federal Plaza, telephone
212) 384-1000. Both agents presented official ID and business cards.

Good stuff. Pigs getting concerned about cryptome means they are scared.

I don't understand how this "Anonymous" can title a post with the phrase "told to fuck off" when John Young's account clearly said that he allowed the Feebs to enter his area and even had them sitting on either side of him.

I cannot claim to know what I would do, or will do, if Feds ever visit my home, but I hope I will have the presence of mind to tell them to:

a) get off my property

b) or to arrest me

In either case, talking to them will not help. The way the Reichssecuritat is getting convictions these days is to charge sheeple with "lying to Federal agents."

Nothing in the Constitution allows compelled speech, except under limited (and I think unconstitutional) cases involving grand juries ordering a person to speak. (Or where use or blanket immunity has been granted, again, probably an unconstitutional measure, as it is compelling potentially self-incriminating evidence which may very well be used in either another case or be twisted to provide a basis for another case.)

I hope I will have the self-presence to say "You are trespassing. Get off my property, right now!"

Cooperating with cops snooping around looking for either thoughtcrime or "terrorist aid and support" is a lose, a big lose.

Speculating wildly, the real target may be John Young himself. And nearly anything he said to these narcs may be construed, by them and by their malleable DAs, as "lying to a Federal investigator."

People should not talk to the Feds. If the Feds come calling, refer them to one's lawyer. For those who don't have a lawyer on retainer, tell them that you need to consult with a lawyer first. Whether you do or you don't is beside the point. The point is to not talk to them.

"Lying to a Federal investigator" is how they probably hope to get Cryptome shut down and John's kind of dissent quelled.

--Tim May

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