Um, last I checked, phone cameras have really shitty resolution, usually
less than 320x200.  Even so, you'd need MUCH higher resolution, say
3-5Mpixels to be able to read text on a printout in a picture.

Add focus and aiming issues, and this just won't work unless you carry a
good camera into the booth with you.

 + ^ + :25Kliters anthrax, 38K liters botulinum toxin, 500 tons of   /|\
  \|/  :sarin, mustard and VX gas, mobile bio-weapons labs, nukular /\|/\
<--*-->:weapons.. Reasons for war on Iraq - GWB 2003-01-28 speech.  \/|\/
  /|\  :Found to date: 0.  Cost of war: $800,000,000,000 USD.        \|/
 + v + :           The look on Sadam's face - priceless!       
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> Vinny the Votebuyer pays you if you send a picture of your
> face adjacent to the committed receipt, even if you can't touch it.
> Since the voting booth is private, no one can see you do this,
> even if it were made illegal.  (And since phones can store images,
> jamming the transmission at the booth doesn't work.)
> You send your picture from the cellphone that took it, along with a
> paypal
> account number as a text message.

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