At 11:10 PM 11/26/03 +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:
>Cameras in the voting booth?  Jesus Christ, you guys are morons.  If
>want to sell your vote, just vote absentee.  The ward guy will even
>and mail it for you.  Happens every election.

For some reason I don't understand, people actually drive to queue up
and vote
in a booth on a given day.  So that was the model addressed.

Personally I vote absentee, so I have plenty of time
to photoshop what I fax to Vinny.  As well as being able to submit a new

blank ballot if Vinny demands to see the original I faxed (but before
its mailed in -that
is my commit point, just like "opening the curtain" used to be on
voting machines).

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