My comment about the SAs having no noticeable body odor
came out the notion that persons on a dangerous mission
emit an easily identifiable smell, a smell not unlike that
emitted by an unwary target when suddently confronted with 

Innocents need not worry about these unintentional fear
emanations. Same for an old time warrior whose body has
evolved to emit a persistent stench of constant fear that 
overrides transitory wafts of panic aerating an urge to flee 
or submit.

Constant fear of being attacked comes from daily warfare
in NYC, call it urban terrorism, where territorial dispute is
unending, and there is nobody who is not out to grab what
you got, most often under pretense of helping you, offering
friendly advice, getting inside your defenses with the
kind of behavior you are sure you'd never fall for -- upon
later reflection on what happened to yor best laid plans
to not be suckered.

Over-confidence, in attacker and target, that lack of the 
odor of danger, is certain to draw attention to weaknesses
ready for exploitation.

This bunker is saturated with moth balls, still visitors
complain of rotted carcass. BO plenty.

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