At 03:26 PM 12/7/03 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>But even if crypto got trendy again, I just don't see the young
>students of today flocking to our particular mailing list. Too many
>other choices. Probably they'll read someone's daily blog....

A few observations.

Nowadays, colleges offer courses in crypto.
This was not the case when I started reading this list.

And 'net social issues were not widely discussed; now
there are many fora and public organizations that one
can look at.  Probably college courses on that, too.

So *perhaps* neophytes interested in these things have
many more places to learn.   Just an optimistic possibility.
I did much like your "the nose rings of the followers" comment

"When I was your age we didn't have Tim May! We had to be paranoid
on our own! And we were grateful!" --Alan Olsen

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