On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 01:59:26PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> This actually fits in with something Lessig is widely known for, his 
> "technology-custom-law" trichotomy (*).
> (* He may call it something different...I haven't checked in a while. 

I was reading some of David Friedman's articles over the weekend and
noticed that he also used the same trichotomy, predating Lessig.

> "I'm sorry that Tim is being a bother again. He has a long history of
> being obnoxious and threatening. So far, he has not broken any laws. We 
> have talked to the authorities about him on numerous occasions. They 
> have chosen to watch but not act.  Please feel free to notify me if he 
> does anything that is beyond rude and actually violates any laws and I 
> will immediately inform the authorities."
> Thank You
> Don Frederickson  (co-owner and CEO of got.net, Santa Cruz)

When did Don Fredderickson write this?


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