At 06:49 PM 12/13/2003 +0100, some provocateur claiming to be Anonymous wrote:
   A question for the moment might well be how many if any of
the remailers are operated by TLAs?

The TLAs have proposed running various anonymizers for China and other countries that have oppressive eavesdroppers.

If you go look at past remailer discussions (probably starting with
Tim's Cyphernomicon or some of the remailer docs),
you'll be reminded that just using one remailer isn't enough
if you're worried about it being compromised,
though it's usually fine for trolling mailing lists :-)

Remailers are secure if at least one remailer in a chain
is _not_ compromised, so you not only want to be sure
that some of the remailers you chain through are run by good people,
but that their machines are likely not to have been cracked,
and ideally you use remailers in multiple legal jurisdictions
because that reduces the ability of any one government to put
pressure on the remailer operators, and increases the chances that
if all of the remailers are compromised, at least one of them
isn't compromised by someone who's interested in _you_.

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