On Dec 14, 2003, at 6:33 PM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

On Sun, 14 Dec 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

Spread the word. The adminstration got desparate. In a few weeks they'll
announce this isn't the real Saddam, but that rounding up all of the clones
is necessary progress in the fight to get the real Saddam.

If I don't remember incorrectly, they said something about identifying him
by DNA testing. But it wasn't widely quoted in the mainstream news.

How boring. The DNA confirmation was reported on all of the puppet news organizations here.

The Germans and Eastern Europeans, being mostly opposed to the war, probably just buried the confirmation.

The Czech Republic supported the war, and sent troops, and now that Saddam has been captured, both of them will be returning home, with medals.

--Tim May

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