On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 09:57:09PM -0800, Morlock Elloi wrote:
> > http://lists.cryptnet.net/mailman/listinfo/cpunx-news
> >
> > Be sure and check the archive before posting.  It is still small.
> Cookies, "members only" archive access. Bad deal. Will not happen. Very few
> consumers here.

"To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the cpunx-news
Archives. The current archive is only available to the list members."

No good. Please fix.

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a>
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144            http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE
http://moleculardevices.org         http://nanomachines.net

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