Michael Kalus:
> he [Saddam] is shown and "paraded" on TV (and don't tell me
> he wasn't because showing a man in his state, showing how he
> gets examined is clearly an attempt to "break the morale").

James A. Donald;
> > Secondly;  It is being overly sensitive about the feelings
> > of those poor fragile souls that hate us and seek to murder
> > us, that got us into this trouble. Our enemies take it for 
> > weakness, reasonably enough. [...]
> >
> > As Bin laden said slaughtering the occupants of the twin
> > towers made them look strong:
> > : :     "when people see a strong horse and a weak
> > : :     horse, by nature, they will like the strong
> > : :     horse."

Michael Kalus:
> It is almost astonishing to hear arguments like these. You
> (and people who make these arguments) sound like the kid who
> gets smacked after burning down the house and then starting
> to cry and call foul.

I see:  So when the US army is so unkind as to film Saddam
acting submissive, this is a shocking violation of his human
rights, and your bleeding heart feels for him deeply.

But when, however, people fly a plainload of passengers into
two tall buildings and murder thousands, those dreadful
Americans had it coming, were justly smacked like a naughty
child, and have no right to get indignant. 

         James A. Donald

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