Jim Dixon (2003-12-19 13:30Z) wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> > In a nutshell, our Constitution *recognizes* universal human rights.
> > It does not *establish* these rights.  If we are going to be
> > faithful to this premise, physical location is a non-sequitor.
> This is a valid and probably commendable political position.  I do not
> believe, however, that it reflects current practice in the USA or
> elsewhere.

If these rights apply to everyone at all times, how does war work?  War
is clearly a deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due
process.  Which of those three are suffering deprivation depends on the
type of war and particular battle plans.

I am a carnivorous fish swimming in    #+#  Banking establishments are
two waters, the cold water of art and  -*+  more dangerous than standing
the hot water of science.  - S. Dali   #-#  armies.  - Thomas Jefferson

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