On 22 Dec 2003 at 11:43, Steve Schear wrote:
> Cite your sources.  The one's I find creditable indicate that 
> at the time of his capture he appeared to have been held 
> captive for at least 2-3 weeks.

Oh come on.

A whole platoon of random troops would have to be part of a big 
conspiracy. Plus quite a few Iraqis have interviewed him.  They 
in the vast right wing conspiracy also?

Or did the US perhaps rewrite Saddam's memory with the memory 
erasure thingy from 'men in black'

Shortly after busting Saddam, the US busted large numbers  of 
people in his apparatus, on the basis of records seized from 
his farmhouse.  Did Saddam's henchmen perhaps not notice Saddam 
was missing because the US replaced him with a double?

Real conspiracies exist, but when you start to see conspiracies 
so large, so well organized, so tightly disciplined, embracing 
so many quite ordinary seeming people, you are slipping into 
madness.   If a conspiracy is large, it is not going to be well 
organized and tightly disciplined.   The communists took the 
big conspiracy as far as it could go, and it did not go that 
far.  It is really hard to put on a big show unless you can 
carefully select your audience for willing suspension of 

If the US was faking the circumstances of Saddam's capture, 
this would be comparable to the bigger potemkin village 
operations that the communists put on, for example Mao's fake 
prison, where only the most privileged got to play prisoner, 
but the communists were utterly paranoid about exercising total 
control of any outsider's access to the set, the actors or 
anyone remotely connected to the actors, and only allowed the 
most carefully selected outsiders tightly controlled and highly
supervised access, whereas the US army has been completely
relaxed about letting anyone contact those involved in the

         James A. Donald

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