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>> I don't know who you are referring too, but that comment is amusing,
>> because it is exactly the kind of lambaste broadside that one hears on
>> Faux news channel all the time.  Anyway, I say that Saddam has human
>> rights, just like everyone else, which includes due process, right to
>> counsel, and to face your accusers in an open court that has 
>> legitimate
>> authority to find you innocent or guilty.  The US is clearly and
>> wrongly doing the opposite of this, and if this makes me pro-Saddam,
>> then I will wear the label proudly.
> How can we offer him procedural guarantees enjoyed by U.S. residents
> when we won't be the ones conducting procedure at his trial?  He's 
> going
> to be tried in the ICC or by Iraqis in Iraqi courts.  We have no good
> evidence that he's committed crimes against Americans, and unless we
> find some, I don't think that anyone would want him anywhere near a
> Federal courtroom.

He won't be put in front of the ICC as the US never signed on to it. So 
this one is out.

That leaves either an American Tribunal or an Iraqi one. In either case 
they should adhere to US procedures as they are based on them.

> McRumsfeld and co. should be held accountable if they violate the 
> Geneva
> Convention with respect to Saddam or any other prisoner.  But the
> procedural guarantees you talk about are attached to U.S. trials, which
> Saddam will not enjoy (or dread, depending...).

See above. Because of the possiblity that either Rumsfled & friends 
might end up in front of the ICC they never signed off on it.


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