If you think it was embarrassing for the former regime in Iraq to see
their fearless leader getting a public louse inspection, just wait until
Christmas, when America again demonstrates it can walk the streets of
Baghdad with impunity.

Yesterday, the crew of WWE Smackdown arrived in Baghdad to set up for
their special Christmas broadcast of Smackdown! "Live from Baghdad."

  "The Smackdown crew with Steve Austin arrived yesterday in Baghdad at 
   the 28th U.S. Military Combat Support Hospital to hand out gift 
   packages to troops and give t-shirts to those injured."
  "World Wrestling Entertainment in proud to present a special edition of 
   SmackDown! from Baghdad on Christmas night. Join the Superstars of
   SmackDown! as they have the honor of competing in front of Americas 
   troops in what should be an evening filled with action, excitement and 

Goodness, where are the Donkey Carts of Mass Destruction when they are
really needed. :)

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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