At 06:50 AM 3/2/2004, Tyler Durden wrote:

"How about a pseudo random "conversation" generator appliance for the person trying to mask their speech. If it closely models the vocal tract, language and language characteristics of the speaker it might be extremely difficult to remove as background noise."

There are plenty of CDs of conversations out there. Moreover, it would be easy to simply record a fairly banal conversation oneself was having. Then put it on a CD player that has repeat mode.

That would require too much work on the part of the person and could only be used safely as a "one-time pad". Reuse would expose it to more simplified removal.

Of course, I'm willing to believe this can still be chopped through with the appropriate eavesdropping gear.

I'm not so sure. If the appliance can create the ambience of a noisy party and all its reflected sound qualities, with one or more of the voices very close to your own, it may be beyond current signal processing techniques to extract your real voice.

But the point is that with about $10 bucks of investment, you now force eavesdroppers to deploy $1000s (or more) of gear and people. Adds a kind of reverse DC-bias to the situation, no? Now, only the determined will be going after you, not someone merely fishing for levers to be used against you. Now, they have to send a truck....'


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