At 08:54 PM 3/28/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Listen up. Cypherpunks is a cryptography list, and is a

True so far   Well, is a DNS record, and the list includes
social issues related to crypto-related tech, but lets start off by
giving you the point.

>The subscribers to this list may or may not sympathize with the
activites of
>the "Real" "al-qaeda".

Sorry, but the prefix "Real" is the intellectual property of an IRA (tm)
spinoff in this
context.  Our lawyers will be contacting you.

The name al-qaeda is, I suspect, more or less


and at the least (or perhaps the most) a head-nod at some
>of the gripes that real organization has with the US government, and
>that continue to support it's activites abroad.

Getting pretty heavy there Tyler

Ever consider that it might be a *reminder* that if isn't good enough
Osama, its not good enough for you?

However, there does not
>appear to be any regular posters to this list that are involved with
>al-qaeda the "terror" network. (Actually, if there are, it would be
>interesting to hear from them via the remailers.)

Everyone, search your wallet for official Al Q membership cards.
(I suppose female members may have trouble telling if its themselves
under the scarves on the ID.. except for the Florida branch of Al Q)

>Cypherpunks is an extremely diverse group of indivduals,

and wanna-be individuals

>that do not appear
>to agree on a great many number of things.


What binds us together (if
>anything) is the interest in cryptographic techniques that would appear
>offer the capability of secure communications, with "communications"
>any kind of transaction that can be transmitted by data over electronic
>optoelectronic networks.

*Way* too specific dude.  Also interested in opsec generally.  (All your

crypto is belong to us if I can get to your machine..)  Communications
can be
smoke signals.  (Would that be optical comms?)  Or the positions of
in a deck.   Or the positions of hands in a shipment of watches.

Another thing that seems to bind us (and again
>"bind" is probably a poor choice of words) is an extreme tolerance to
>opinions very different from that of any one subscriber.

What the fuck are you ingesting tonight?  "extreme tolerance to
opinions"??  Its only because it would be self-parodying that
accusations of nazihood don't fly.  Even with Tim gone, praise be unto

On the other hand, in our better moods we try to educate each other.

>Therefore please get a fuckin' clue. If you want to discuss the role of

>"Radical" Islam in contemporary world politics, I'm sure there are
>that would be interested in doing so.

Not here.

>Otherwise, please fuck off.

If you've been getting this kind of cameldung *personally*, this is yet
another reward
of using a 1-way pseudonym.

There is no god and Murphy is his prophet.

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