Major Variola (ret) wrote:

>At 11:38 AM 4/2/04 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:

>>I haven't eaten domestic cat, but I have eaten lion. Suprisingly,
>>it was a light tender meat, resembling veal more than anything
>>else. Tasted good.

>Just out of curiosity, how did you verify that it was in fact that

No direct proof. This was at a restaurant called "The New Deal"
in SoHo, NYC, I think on Prince Street. Once a year they would
carry a game menu for a couple weeks, and I went there with a
bunch of friends. Among other things, we ordered rattlesnake, 
alligator, buffalo, venison, zebra, bear, and lion. I liked 
most of it - the alligator not so much, nor the zebra (partly 
because we got an unusual cut - the 'prarie oysters' :-).

Were they faking it?  The snake, buffalo, deer, and bear I had
had before, and they seemed the real McCoy. We tried to order
elephant, but they were out. If they were intent on fraud, 
would they have told us that?

Out of curiosity, I asked about sources, and it turns out 
that, except for the rattlesnake and bear it all came from 
game ranches, mostly down in Texas. I know they also ranch 
lion down there. I don't know where they got elephant, but
the source seemed more sporadic.

At the prices they were charging, I'm sure they had no need
to fake it.


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