Eric Cordian quotes:
> FBI Shill:  Are we gonna exterminate the rat?
> Hale:  I'm going to fight within the law and, but, ... if you wish to,
>        ah, do anything, yourself, you can. 

You're such a liar.  I don't know why I even bother to respond to you.
You left off the next few lines:

   "So that makes it clear," Hale added.

   "Consider it done," Evola said.

   "Good", Hale replied.

And now you know... the rest of the story.

I encourage anyone interested in the case to read the details online.
By most accounts, jurors did a good job of seeing through Hale's
obfuscations and careful attempts at plausible deniability.

> I wonder how long it will be until Americans get their houses pushed over 
> with bulldozers for criticizing the government.  Probably at least until 
> after the election.

Free speech is one thing.  Soliciting murder is something else.

But let's say you're right and the government cracks down on criticism.
Which is easier, to get government to change, or to ignore the
restrictions and continue to publish critical essays, protected by
cryptographic anonymity?

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