Meh, same old song:

NSA/CIA/FBI failed to prevent the WTC missile attacks, despite the billions of dollars they receive per annum, so guess what, they get rewarded with guess what kiddies, even more tax payer dollars!

Condoleeza Rice lies about a specific PDB, calling it "historical" and doesn't charged with perjury after said PDB is declassified.

Sibel Edmonds, a Turkish American with top security clearance, who worked as a translator at FBI HQ says that she saw information that proved top US officials knew months before 9.11.2001 that Al Qaeda planned to use airplanes as missiles, but isn't allowed to testify on grounds that "it would compromise national security." Damn right it would - there should be riots in the streets over this, and those "top US officials" should be jailed for gross negligence causing the loss of 3000 lives.

NSA, CIA, FBI weren't allowed to share databases because of wisely thought out checks and balances to prevent privacy and other types of abuses, so they were thrown out, not that they really existed in the first place. (i.e. NSA isn't allowed to spy on US citizens, so it uses one of it's buddies, perhaps UK, or Australia to do the dirty work.)

Airport security fails, so Uncle Sam gets to spend even more tax payer dollars on TSA. TSA fails, and instead of it being punished, its ineptitude gets rewarded by getting justification for more draconian laws, and even more tax payer cash... woo hoo!

R. A. Hettinga wrote:


Airport security failures justify CAPPS-II snoop system
By Thomas C Greene ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Published Monday 26th April 2004 20:21 GMT

Recent government reports on the failure of American airport screeners to
detect threat objects at security checkpoints may provide ammunition for
proponents of the controversial Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening
System (CAPPS II) database solution, which is currently stalled by myriad
snafus too numerous to mention.

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