----- Forwarded message from Contempt for Meatheads <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Contempt for Meatheads <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 18:12:15 -0500
Subject: [FoRK] Operation See-No-Evil
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.618)

Did anybody catch the bit from the Daily Show last night w/ the Cheney  
interview --- "in his secret lair?"  Dude, WTF?  He looked like he was  
in some kind of darkened mad scientist's lab prepping for doomsday.   
Seriously, the room was full of all this unidentifiable and slightly  
ominous-looking (in half-second glimpses) equipment, and was lit like  
the set where Luke fights the Emperor.  Bizarre stuff.  I always  
thought the sets for the Pres and friends in 24 were kind of bizarre,  
but apparently our upper echelon's real digs are even weirder.

(Aside:  great bit from JS last night, where he cuts directly from  
claims Cheney made about not saying something to footage that directly  
contradicts this.  Fucking liars.  I'd have a lot more respect for them  
if they respected their public's intelligence more themselves.)

Well, not content to merely be in the undisclosed location, apparently  
he's gunning to be removed from essential public documents as well.  I  
didn't know whether to entitle this one "Operation See-No-Evil" or  
"Operation No Legacy." ;-)



Cheney may disappear from intel report

Will Dick Cheney's name get scrubbed from the Senate Intelligence  
Committee report that by all accounts is highly critical of prewar  
intelligence -- which he played a big role in? This Time magazine piece  
says the CIA is pressing to have even titles removed from the report to  
make the actors in the prewar intelligence drama, including Cheney,  

"To suggestions that the redaction request could be interpreted as an  
effort to provide political cover for Cheney, a CIA official responds  
that 'the purpose of declassification review is to protect intelligence  
sources, methods and other classified matters which, if disclosed,  
could be helpful to adversaries, like weapons proliferators and  
terrorists. It is not to stifle criticism.' Leaders of the Senate panel  
don't see it the same way. 'The Committee is extremely disappointed by  
the CIA?s excessive redactions to the report,' Chairman Pat Roberts, a  
Kansas Republican, and Vice Chairman Jay Rockefeller, and West Virginia  
Democrat, said in a statement last week, without mentioning any  
specific CIA-proposed edits."

-- Geraldine Sealey

[08:25 PDT, June 22, 2004] 
FoRK mailing list

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