On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:

> Forwarded for amusement

>   "...justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do
>   not.  And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out
>   about them."
>   Osama Bin Laden
>       - - -
>   "There aught to be limits to freedom!"
>    George Bush
>       - - -
> Which one scares you more?

The about sounds like a great .signature file. :)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/07/13/mexico.chip.reut/index.html
> Mexico attorney general gets microchip implant

> "It's an area of high security, it's necessary that we have access to
> this, through a chip, which what's more is unremovable," Macedo told
> reporters.

Huh? any implantable is removeable...  What, kidnappers, in Mexico don't
have access to alumium foil, faraday cages, frequency counters and
{hatchets,knives,scalpels,chain saws}, etc?

> The chips would enable the wearer to be found anywhere inside Mexico, in
> the event of an assault or kidnapping, said Macedo.

Which means it's transmitting, and to do so, it's not an RFID, it's a bug 
with a battery.  If if it doesn't transmit at all times, there's a scar 
somewhere which points where it is.

This ploy would have only worked if the kidnappers didn't know about it in
advance.  Now they do.  It will stop the lame ones.  The hardass criminals
know how to deal with it.

IMHO, this is a publicity op - not much else, designed to discourage 
potential kidnappers, and enourage the public to get chipped.

"What's the frequency Kenneth?" comes to mind.  ROTFL!

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