On 4 Sep 2004 at 21:50, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> The ratio of remailer use to abuse is painfully low because
> there's no way to actually communicate. You can broadcast but
> not recieve, because no system exists to receive mail
> psuedononymously. This is not communication.
> Remailer use is restricted to when senders don't care about 
> listenerssss, which means rants, death threats, and the abuse
> of spam. The only systems for receiving mail are at best some
> college student's unimplemented thesis.

alt.anonymous.messages provides a channel for people who wish
to receive messages without themselves being identified.

If I want to receive a message without providing and email
address that can be traced, I ask the recipient to post in in
the newsgroups such as alt.anonymous.messages.

For obvious reasons people who read alt.anonymous.messages, or
think they might need to read it in the future, download the
newsgroup in its entireity. 

         James A. Donald

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