At 08:23 AM 9/10/04 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> Perplexing proof
>E-commerce is only one mathematical breakthrough away from disaster
>Robert Valpuesta, IT Week 09 Sep 2004
>The fact that even experts often do not fully understand how IT systems

>work was underlined by recent reports that the Riemann hypothesis,
>established in 1859, may finally have been proved.

This doesn't follow.

>It seems the hypothesis would explain the apparently random pattern of
>prime numbers that form the basis for much internet cryptography, used
>e-commerce and online banking to guard accounts and credit card

Can someone explain how finding regularity in the distribution of primes

would affect any modexp() system?   Suppose that you have a function
F(i) which gives you the i-th prime.  Since the PK systems (eg RSA, DH)
use *randomness* to pick primes, how does being able to generate
the i-th prime help?

>Louis de Branges, a renowned mathematician at Purdue University in the
>has claimed he can prove the hypothesis. But the maths is so
>that no one has yet been able to say whether his solution is right.
>"[The suggested proof] is rather incomprehensible," professor Marcus du

>Sautoy of Oxford University told The Guardian, adding that if correct
>could lead to the creation of a "prime spectrometer" that would bring
>whole of e-commerce to its knees overnight".

Methinks the "expert" du Sautoy is an expert in number theory, not

>Unfortunately, most managers have no way of telling whether the proof
>right or its implications are indeed as stated.

Most managers don't understand crypto.

This could be an
>embarrassment if they are asked to assess risks for corporate
>reports, since they clearly now have a duty to own up and admit that
>business could be threatened by a theoretical prime spectrometer.
>Alternatively they might accept that security is a matter of faith,
>that nothing can truly be "known", and add that the way of Zen shows
>security is probably an illusion anyway.

I think this latter indicates the cluelessness of the author.

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