Personal aside.  I've started working for a medical device company.
This is not so far from security programming, as checking your
inputs, robustness, and being able to justify time spent inspecting
and testing are all common to both domains.

But today I learned that a device that keeps you heart going, should
it forget how, has a field that rolls over in about 40+ days.  But hey,
is underappreciated.  Reboot that pacer!


People who are willing to rely on the government to keep them safe are
pretty much standing on Darwin's mat, pounding on the door, screaming,
"Take me, take me!"--Cael in A.S.R.

Sunder wrote:

>Q: How do you cause an 800-plane pile-up at a major airport?
>A: Replace working Unix systems with Microsoft Windows 2000!

"The servers are timed to shut down after 49.7 days of use in order to
prevent a data overload, a union official told the LA Times."
That would be 49.710269618055555555555555555556 days, or (curiously
enough) 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) milliseconds.  Known problem with Win95
('cept they call Win95 a "server").

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