Thomas Shaddack:
> > > a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the 
> > > overwhelming majority of people you throw off planes are 
> > > innocent.

James A. Donald:
> > Provided the number of people you throw off planes is 
> > rather small, I don't see the problem.

Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows 
> when being interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to 
> blacklist *you*.

I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)

People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to 
kill people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us 
off those planes where most of the passengers are people like 
us.  This really is not rocket science. 

         James A. Donald

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