GodDAMN George W is a dumb fuck.

If the guy's IQ had broken the 3-digit barrier he might have figured out that by nearly directly replying to the new bin Laden video he's basically elevating bin Laden to a hostile head-of-state.

OK you TLA snoops...surely some of you montioring this list must have noticed that? Where are Mr Asswipe's brilliant advisors? Isn't this kind of acknowledgement practically Rule 1 in your anti-terrorist manuals? Or do you tacitly cooperate for the sake of job security? (ie, bin Laden gains more followers-->more terrorism-->more need for laws and YOU guys.) And don't get me wrong, I think this image shift for bin Laden will probably end up being a good thing (ie, we stop fuckin' around over there), but unfortunately a bunch of us will probably end up getting blowed-up or whatever in the process.

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