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R.A. Hettinga:

> Are you high, junior? Or is it just your politics that sound so...
> sophomoric?

> Communism, Fuck Yeah!!! States are People Too!!!!

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.

    You too. Sad it is.

    Howcome the Americans became so egocentrical and cynical that
anyone who dares to speak up and support compassion for his fellow
man automatically is a communist?

    It's a sincere question, no doubt in my mind that we won't get a
sincere answer though.

    Reading your email actually reminds me of those of Tim May, he
also seemed to be full of bigotry and hatred and deeply disliked
anyone who were unfortunate enough to be poor.

> Our culture -- yours, too, bunky, since I bet you don't shit into a
> hole in the floor and pray 5 times a day for, as Hanson
> appropriately  

    No I don't shit into a hole, but I can still try to be unbiased
and extend a though or two to other people who are not so fortunate
as we are to be born in the rich part of the world.

> Ah. That's right. I'm not "nuanced" enough. It's too *complicated*
> for anyone who didn't take your sophomore (cryptomarxist) "History
> Studies" class, or whatever. Please.

    To me it's enough to at least try to understand and try live by
the spirit of the Bible.

    It's also quite ironical that all those right wing voters
actually read communist propaganda in church, since that is the
logical conclusion of your arguments made here.

> There we go. Wisdom from a thug. How about this thug, instead, kid,
> quoted just about as much out of context as you have yours:
> "When the hares made speeches in the assembly and demanded that all
> should have equality, the lions replied, "Where are your claws and
> teeth?" -- attributed to Antisthenes in Aristotle, 'Politics',
> 3.7.2  
> Oh. That's right. One shouldn't read Aristotle. He was a White Male
> Oppressor...

    You like quotes, ok here I have a small collection for you, maybe
one or two of them qualifies as white oppressors too, I don't know.

Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups,
parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.

An honest man can feel no pleasure in the 
exercise of power over his fellow citizens.
(Thomas Jefferson)

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be
depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to
bring them the real facts.  
(Abraham Lincoln)

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless
they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.  

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the
homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of
totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?  
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
(Martin Luther King)

> Sheesh. When will September ever end?

    In my calendar it's November already, I don't know about yours.

Johnny Doelittle

Version: Tom Ridge Special v1.01


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