J.A. Terranson wrote:
> The fact is that those who did not vote effectively voted for Shrub.
> You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem.
> Inaction is not good enough.

Voting is not a solution.

Voting only encourages them.  If you vote for a candidate, and he
wins, he will then proceed to commit various crimes, and you, by
voting, have given him a "mandate" for those crimes.

Further, suppose you think, as I think, that candidate A is a lesser
evil than candidate B, but the difference is not much. If you vote for
the lesser evil, you will start to rationalize and excuse all the
crimes he commits, identifying with him, and his actions.

Nor is Kerry a solution.

I cannot understand why you Bush haters are so excited about this
election when on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Kerry promised to
continue all Bush's policies only more effectually.

You vote for Kerry because you think he is a liar?

         James A. Donald

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