At 04:19 PM 11/11/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Anyone know from first-hand experience about cellphone jammers?
>I need...
>1) A nice little portable, and
>2) A higher-powered one that can black out cell phone calls within,
say, 50
>to 100 feet of a moving vehicle.

Cell Jammers do a DoS on the frequency used by the base station
to contact the handset, preventing a ring-in.  Or a ring-out; the
handset reports no service.  After a ring-in the
base tells the handset to jump to another freq, so you can't
drop an ongoing conversation with a typical jammer.

The < $200 jammers will stop folks in the next car, or in your office,
but not too much farther; depends on the strength of the local
base station.

To jam the entire cell freq *bands* would take more power and
more complex circuits.   A jacob's ladder and/or tesla coil might
work but would be indiscrete at least.

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