At 09:41 AM 11/10/04 -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
>Those who love operas get what they want, and those who love rock and
>get what they want, and both can live in peace with one another.

Not if that manic-depressive, mother of controlled-substance-abusing
spawn named Tipper Gore had maintained the power that she rode when her
"Internet-Inventing" husband was fighting for his moronic political
She would have banned R&R, see the Mothers of Prevention album,
by the premiere American composer of the 20th century, among others.

Not that I wouldn't pay good money to see her, William Cohen's bipolar
negress, and Condosleeza Rice duke it out, in a tub of Jello (tm), on
pay-per-view, officiated by the elder lackey Powell's FCC son
of course.  My money's on Rice, she knows how to fight, damn the
collateral damage, full speed ahead.

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