> "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [from osint]
> Wednesday, November 17, 2004

> Group to launch terrorist database
> BY Diane Frank
> Published on Nov. 17, 2004

> The Terrorism Knowledge Base is the latest Web-based
> resource from the National Memorial Institute for the
> Prevention of Terrorism, a nonprofit organization in
> Oklahoma City. The institute developed three solutions,
> which also include the Lessons Learned Information
> System and the Responder Knowledge Base, with
> funding from the Justice and Homeland Security
> departments.

> This system provides open-source, unclassified information
> on international and domestic terrorism, pulling information from
> a database of terrorist incident information maintained since
>  1968 by Rand, nonprofit research organization. It also
>  incorporates links to original court documents pertaining to
> suspected terrorists.

They should set up a snitch line, so to speak, so that the general public can report, possibly even by email, incidents of small-scale terrorism and potential terrorism that they might witness as they go about their daily lives.  It couldn't hurt.  In fact, such a move would easily eliminate any question of institutional bias in reference to the selection criterion used to evaluate whether any given incident qualifies as terrorism or not.
I'm not usually one to come out in favour of government database systems, but for something like the terrorism database (which has the potential to greatly enhance the security of democracy and law), what's there not to like about it?


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