James A Donald wrote...
> > What made [Afghanistan] a breeding ground for terrorism was
> > not civil war, but diminuition of civil war.  The problem
> > was that the Taliban was damn near victorious.  If the US
> > government had maintained the relationship with our former
> > anti communist allies, and kept on sending them arms, we
> > never would have had 9/11

Tyler Durden
> Well, that's not particularly convincing. First of all, even
> during the Taliban's reign there were plenty of warlords that
> ran some regions of Afghanistan.

I seem to recall you lot claiming that the Taliban had
successfully restored order - (you see the Taliban being able
to massacre civilians unoppose as order)

There was some truth in that claim.  They controlled 95%.  Had
their been less truth, the Taliban would have had less ability
to make trouble.

> More to the point is that a long term period of chaos and
> turbulence causes the locals to be willing to open the door
> to the like of the Taliban, as long as they offer some kind
> of peace.

So we should therefore make sure they cannot offer some kind of

In Iraq, the Pentagon cannot supply peace.  Why then should we
allow those who wish to destroy us provide peace?   If we
cannot have peace, no one should.

>  The period between Soviet withdrawal
> and the Taliban was uglier than practically anything
> imaginable...one batch of warlords would take over, killing
> the men loyal to the previous batch and raping the women,

Nonsense.  The ugly thing about the period before Taliban rule
was that the Taliban, or people of much the same ideology,
would persistently destroy murder and rape in order to get
people to submit to their rule.  When opposition largely
collapsed, their massacres did not cease, though their rapes
became more discrete.  Instead, they decided to expand their
terror onto a wider stage.

The war was not warlord vs warlord, it was radical Islamists vs
the rest, the rest being warlords and conservative Islamists. 
The radical Islamists won, but victory did not appease their
appetite for terror.

> and then another batch would take over and do the same thing.

All the big crimes were committed by the Taliban or their ally

         James A. Donald

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