At 12:52 PM 11/28/04 -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> One group of loonies thinks anyone should be able to kill anything the

>easiest way possible -- simply because we can.


> Instead, we have people who think it would be "sporting" to hunt and
>animals by remote-control with their computer. That sort of thinking is

>just plain sick.

Except when its the US military doing it...

> Where exactly is the "sport''? More importantly, where is the hunt?
> Webster's New World Dictionary defines "hunt'' this way: "1.) to go
out to
>kill or catch (game) for food or sport; 2. to search eagerly or
>for; try to find 3. a.) to pursue; chase; drive b) to hound; harry,
>persecute 4. a) to go through (a woods, fields, etc.) in pursuit of
>and on and on in that vein.

How do they define war?

> Nowhere is there any mention of sitting in a home or office, watching
>computer-display screen and punching buttons. If that qualifies as
>no one really need ever hunt again because we've then reduced the
>of animals to the shooting of pictures.

How does the author feel about rifled barrels?  Chemical propellants
in general?  Is an atlatl moral?

How about a 'net-connected atlatl?

Just curious.

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