At 12:31 PM 12/14/04 -0500, Sunder wrote:
>Original URL:
>Gait advances in emerging biometrics
>By John Leyden (john.leyden at
>Published Tuesday 14th December 2004 15:07 GMT
>"Great Juno comes; I know her by her gait."
>William Shakespeare, The Tempest
>Retinal scans, finger printing or facial recognition get most of the
>publicity but researchers across the world are quietly labouring away
>alternative types of biometrics.
>Recognition by the way someone walk (their gait), the shape of their
>the rhythm they make when they tap and the involuntary response of ears
>sounds all have the potential to raise the stock of biometric
>According to Professor Mark Nixon, of the Image Speech and Recognition
>Research Group at the University of Southampton, each has unique
>advantages which makes them worth exploring.

Look up Johansson, et al.  Point light displays.  Yes you can tell
sex, age, etc., from the ratios of rotational axes, etc, but a stone
in the shoe is a bitch.

All faith is in drivers' licenses, a total joke, I got gummies on your
'prints, all your time-derivatives are mine.

But grant$ are good, and flavor$ of DARPA be bitchin.

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