> <http://sys-con.com/story/print.cfm?storyid=47592>
> (SYS-CON)(Printview)
> Finally, the Killer PKI Application Web Services as an 
> application - and a challenge December 22, 2004 Summary 
> Enterprise PKI has a bad name. Complex, costly, difficult to 
> deploy and maintain - all these criticisms have dogged this 
> technology since it first appeared.

Because PKI sucks.

> To the dismay of so many CIOs, few applications have stepped 
> up to make effective use of PKI.

Because PKI sucks.

> A Role for PKI WSS goes to great lengths to remain flexible
> and not to specify a particular encryption/signing
> technology.

Or in other words, due to the fact that PKI sucks, they have 
left the door open for a replacement.

>  now the investment may finally be realized.

I don't think so. 

         James A. Donald

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