At 3:14 PM -0400 10/3/04, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>In arbitrary order (in other words, *I* chose it. :-)), and with
>apologies to Toru Iwatani, by way of Michael Thomasson at
><>, here
>it is:
>A Proposed Nomenclature for the Four Horseman of The Infocalypse
>   Horseman             Color      Character   Nickname
>1  Terrorism            Red        Shadow      "Blinky"
>2  Narcotics            Pink       Speedy      "Pinky"
>3  Money Laundering     Aqua       Bashful     "Inky"
>4  Paedophilia          Yellow     Pokey       "Clyde"
>It is acceptable to refer to a horseman by any of the above, i.e.,
>"Horseman No. 1", "The Red Horseman", "Shadow", or "Blinky".
>Apparently there was a, um, pre-deceased, dark-blue ghost, used in
>Japanese tournament play, named "Kinky", I leave that particular
>horseman for quibblers.



Technology Review

Terror's Server
By David Talbot Febuary 2005


Richard A. Clarke spent 11 years in senior policymaking positions at the
White House, advising presidents on matters of counterterrorism and cyber

  When the Sept. 11 attacks took place he was the counterterrorism adviser
to the National Security Council.  He now heads Good Harbor Consulting.
Clarke recently spoke with Technology Review Chief Correspondent David
Talbot about terrorist exploitation of the Internet.



David Talbot: How is the use of the Internet by terrorist groups changing?


Richard Clarke: It's important for publicity and propaganda purposes.  It
is one of their best vehicles for that.  It may be useful for
communications, but I think they are increasingly relying on (human)
couriers.  There is some potential that they are using the Internet to
engage in cyber-crime as a funding source.


DT: Is it getting any easier to track down the location or identity of a
terrorist communication?


RC: You can assume all kinds of one-time identities on the Internet.  The
risk of course, is that a smart computer forensics team can trace back, if
not to a particular house, certainly to a particular city where the
communication might have come from.   They've tried to get around that in
the past by using cyber-cafes.  But if they are effectively masking their
IDs and locations by going through multiple hops and spoofing IP (internet
protocol) addresses, it's more difficult.

Related Stories:

Two hundred two people died in the Bali, Indonesia, disco bombing of
October 12, 2002, when a suicide bomber blew himself up on a tourist-bar
dance floor, and then, moments later, a second bomber detonated an
explosives-filled Mitsubishi van parked outside. Now, the mastermind of the
attacks-Imam Samudra, a 35-year-old Islamist militant with links to
al--Qaeda-has written a jailhouse memoir that offers a primer on the more
sophisticated crime of online credit card fraud, which it promotes as a way
for Muslim radicals to fund their activities.

Law enforcement authorities say evidence collected from Samudra's laptop
computer shows he tried to finance the Bali bombing by committing acts of
fraud over the Internet. And his new writings suggest that online
fraud-which in 2003 cost credit card companies and banks $1.2 billion in
the United States alone-might become a key weapon in terrorist arsenals, if
it's not already. "We know that terrorist groups throughout the world have
financed themselves through crime," says Richard Clarke, the former U.S.
counterterrorism czar for President Bush and President Clinton. "There is
beginning to be a reason to conclude that one of the ways they are
financing themselves is through cyber-crime."

 Online fraud would thereby join the other major ways in which terrorist
groups exploit the Internet. The September 11 plotters are known to have
used the In-ternet for international communications and information
gathering. Hundreds of jihadist websites are used for propaganda and
fund-raising purposes and are as -easily accessible as the mainstream
websites of major news organizations. And in 2004, the Web was awash with
raw video of hostage beheadings perpetrated by -followers of Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian-born terror leader operating in Iraq. This was no
fringe phenomenon. Tens of millions of people downloaded the video files, a
kind of vast medieval spectacle enabled by numberless Web hosting companies
and Internet service providers, or ISPs. "I don't know where the line is.
But certainly, we have passed it in the abuse of the Internet," says
Gabriel Weimann, a professor of communications at the University of Haifa,
who tracks use of the Internet by terrorist groups.

Meeting these myriad challenges will require new technology and, some say,
stronger self-regulation by the online industry, if only to ward off the
more onerous changes or restrictions that might someday be mandated by
legal authorities or by the security demands of business interests.
According to Vinton Cerf, a founding father of the Internet who codesigned
its protocols, extreme violent content on the Net is "a terribly difficult
conundrum to try and resolve in a way that is constructive." But, he adds,
"it does not mean we shouldn't do anything. The industry has a fair amount
of potential input, if it is to try to figure out how on earth to
discipline itself. The question is, which parts of the industry can do it?"
The roadblocks are myriad, he notes: information can literally come from
anywhere, and even if major industry players agree to restrictions,
Internet users themselves could obviously go on sharing content. "As
always, the difficult question will be, Who decides what is acceptable
content and on what basis?"

Some work is already going on in the broader battle against terrorist use
of the Internet. Research labs are developing new algorithms aimed at
making it easi-er for investigators to comb through e-mails and chat-room
dialogue to uncover crimi-nal plots. Meanwhile, the industry's anti-spam
efforts are providing new tools for authenticating e-mail senders using
cryptography and other methods, which will also help to thwart fraud;
clearly, terror-ist exploitation of the Internet adds a -national-security
dimension to these efforts. The question going forward is whether the
terrorist use of the medium, and the emerging responses, will help usher in
an era in which the distribution of online content is more tightly
controlled and tracked, for better or worse.



DT: How are efforts coming along to improve cyber-security, say, by
authenticating who is sending a piece of information?


RC: The more immediate reason that people in the U.S. are thinking about
that is spam.  Microsoft and AOL and others have formed working groups to
come up with a way of having email authentication.  Even thought we've
passed the Can-Spam Act, (it doesn't) seem to be effective because people
are able to offshore their services.   There is very serious work going on
to come up with authenticated email.


DT: So the fight against spam is also the fight against the use of the
Internet by terrorists?


RC: It's relevant to counterterrorism because it would prevent a lot of
cyber crime, which may be how they are funding themselves.  It may also
make it difficult to assume identities for on-time use communications.  
You do have the possibility of extending this (into chat rooms and other

Related Stories:

The Rise of Internet Terror
Today, most experts agree that the Internet is not just a tool of terrorist
organizations, but is central to their operations*. Some say that
al-Qaeda's online presence has become more potent and pertinent than its
actual physical presence since the September 11 attacks. "When we say
al-Qaeda is a global ideology, this is where it exists-on the Internet,"
says Michael Doran, a Near East scholar and terrorism expert at Princeton
University. "That, in itself, I find absolutely amazing. Just a few years
ago, an organization like this would have been more cultlike in nature. It
wouldn't be able to spread around the world the way it does with the

The universe of terror-related websites extends far beyond al-Qaeda, of
course. According to Weimann, the number of such websites has leapt from
only 12 in 1997 to around 4,300 today. (This includes sites operated by
groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and others in South America and other
parts of the world.) "In seven years it has exploded, and I am quite sure
the number will grow next week and the week after," says Weimann, who
described the trend in his report "How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet,"
published by the United States Institute of Peace, and who is now at work
on a book, Terrorism and the Internet, due out later this year.

These sites serve as a means to recruit members, solicit funds, and promote
and spread ideology. "While the [common] perception is that [terrorists]
are not well educated or very sophisticated about telecommunications or the
Internet, we know that that isn't true," says Ronald Dick, a former FBI
deputy assistant director who headed the FBI's National Infrastructure
Protection Center. "The individuals that the FBI and other law enforcement
agencies have arrested have engineering and telecommunications backgrounds;
they have been trained in academic institutes as to what these capabilities
are." (Militant Islam, despite its roots in puritani-cal Wahhabism, taps
the well of Western liberal education: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the
principal September 11 mastermind, was educated in the U.S. in mechanical
engineering; Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri was trained in
Egypt as a surgeon.)

 The Web gives jihad a public face. But on a less visible level, the
Internet provides the means for extremist groups to surreptitiously
organize attacks and gather information. The September 11 hijackers used
conventional tools like chat rooms and e-mail to communicate and used the
Web to gather basic information on targets, says Philip Zelikow, a
historian at the University of Virginia and the former executive director
of the 9/11 Commission. "The conspirators used the Internet, usually with
coded messages, as an important medium for international communication," he
says. (Some aspects of the terrorists' Internet use remain classified; for
example, when asked whether the Internet played a role in recruitment of
the hijackers, Zelikow said he could not comment.)

 Finally, terrorists are learning that they can distribute images of
atrocities with the help of the Web. In 2002, the Web facilitated wide
dissemination of videos showing the beheading of Wall Street Journal
reporter Daniel Pearl, despite FBI requests that websites not post them.
Then, in 2004, Zarqawi made the gruesome tactic a cornerstone of his terror
strategy, starting with the murder of the American civilian contractor
Nicholas Berg-which law enforcement agents believe was carried out by
Zarqawi himself. From Zarqawi's perspective, the campaign was a rousing
success. Images of orange-clad hostages became a headline-news staple
around the world-and the full, raw videos of their murders spread rapidly
around the Web. "The Internet allows a small group to publicize such
horrific and gruesome acts in seconds, for very little or no cost,
worldwide, to huge audiences, in the most powerful way," says Weimann.

And there's a large market for such material. According to Dan Klinker,
webmaster of a leading online gore site,, consumption of such
material is brisk. Klinker, who says he operates from offices in Western
and Eastern Europe and New York City, says his aim is to "open people's
eyes and make them aware of reality." It's clear that many eyes have taken
in these images thanks to sites like his. Each beheading video has been
downloaded from Klinker's site several million times, he says, and the Berg
video tops the list at 15 million. "During certain events (beheadings,
etc.) the servers can barely handle the insane bandwidths-sometimes 50,000
to 60,000 visitors an hour," Klinker says.


DT:  In 2004, a number of video clips showing terrorist beheadings of
western hostages in Iraq became widely available online.  Is this a new


RC: It's an extension of what they have been doing, which is using the
Internet for posting propaganda.  They tend not to have their own web
sites, but either post it on a chat room or bulletin board that tends to be
used by people who like to view that material.  Or the other thing they've
done is hack their way into a site and post it.


DT: Should Internet Service Providers do more to stop such material from
being disseminated?


RC: The small Mom-and-Pop ISP's are pretty irresponsible.  But when you
look at Yahoo or MSN or AOL, they have compliance staffs, enforcement
staffs, people who monitor activity.  In their service agreements, they
make it explicit they can terminate.   They are very fearful of government
regulation, and the FCC has the legal authority from Congress to regulate,
but it has decided not to use it.


DT: Do you think this FCC posture should change?


RC: It goes to the larger issue of regulating Internet content at all.  I
think as a mater of public policy, we've agreed, so far, we are not going
to regulate Internet content, except for child pornography.   You also
can't engage in fraud.   I'm not sure that we want to go any further.
However, most of these beheadings begin on overseas servers and I don't
understand why the CIA or NSA doesn't just knock off these overseas servers.

Related Stories:

Avoiding the Slippery Slope
To be sure, Internet users who want to block objectionable content can
purchase a variety of filtering-software products that attempt to block
sexual or violent content. But they are far from perfect. And though a
hodgepodge of Web page rating schemes are in various stages of
implementation, no universal rating system is in effect-and none is
mandated-that would make filters chosen by consumers more effective.

But passing laws aimed at allowing tighter filtering-to say nothing of
actually mandating filtering-is problematical. Laws aimed at blocking
minors' -access to pornography, like the Communications Decency Act and
Children's Online Protection Act, have been struck down in the courts on
First Amendment grounds, and the same fate has befallen some state laws,
often for good reason: the filtering tools sometimes throw out the good
with the bad. "For better or worse, the courts are more concerned about
protecting the First Amendment rights of adults than protecting children
from harmful material," says Ian Ballon, an expert on cyberspace law and a
partner at Manatt, Phelps, and Phillips in Palo Alto, CA. Pornography
access, he says, "is something the courts have been more comfortable
regulating in the physical world than on the Internet." The same challenges
pertain to images of extreme violence, he adds.

 The Federal Communications Commission enforces "decency" on the nation's
airwaves as part of its decades-old mission of licensing and regulating
television and radio stations. Internet content, by contrast, is
essentially unregulated. And so, in 2004, as millions of people watched
video of beheadings on their computers, the FCC fined CBS $550,000 for
broadcasting the exposure of singer Janet Jackson's breast during the Super
Bowl halftime show on television.

 "While not flatly impossible, [Internet content] regulation is hampered by
the variety of places around the world at which it can be hosted," says
Jonathan Zittrain, codirector of the Berkman Center for Internet and
Society at Harvard Law School--and that's to say nothing of First Amendment
concerns. As Zittrain sees it, "it's a gift that the sites are up there,
because it gives us an opportunity for counterintelligence."

As a deterrent, criminal prosecution has also had limited success. Even
when those suspected of providing Internet-based assistance to terror cells
are in the United States, obtaining convictions can be difficult. Early
last year, under provisions of the Patriot Act, the U.S. Department of
Justice charged Sami Omar al-Hussayen, a student at the University of
Idaho, with using the Internet to aid -terrorists. The government -alleged
that al-Hussayen maintained websites that promoted jihadist-related
ac-tivities, including funding terrorists. But his defense argued that he
was simply using his skills to promote Islam and wasn't responsible for the
sites' radical content. The judge reminded the jury that, in any case, the
Constitution protects most speech. The jury cleared al-Hussayen on the
terrorism charges but deadlocked on visa-related charges; al-Hussayen
agreed to return home to his native Saudi Arabia rather than face a retrial
on the visa counts.


DT: What about clamping down on cyber-fraud that might be funding terror


RC: Internet crime including fraud and extortion is a global problem in the
hundreds of millions of dollars of losses a year, if not into the
billions.  If one percent of Internet crime were funding Al Qaeda, that
would be a lot of money.  A lot of countries don't have adequately trained
or resourced Internet crime squads.  While the U.S. does train other
countries, it doesn't do enough of it.  Even after they are trained, they
need a little support beyond the training. So having an international fund
to provide training to poorer countries to have Internet crime squads is
probably a better idea.

Related Stories:

Technology and ISPs
But the government and private-sector strategy for combatting terrorist use
of the Internet has several facets. Certainly, agencies like the FBI and
the National Security Agency-and a variety of watchdog groups, such as the
Site Institute, a nonprofit organization based in an East Coast location
that it asked not be publicized-closely monitor jihadist and other
terrorist sites to keep abreast of their public statements and internal
communications, to the extent possible.

It's a massive, needle-in-a-haystack job, but it can yield a steady stream
of intelligence tidbits and warnings. For ex-ample, the Site Institute
recently discovered, on a forum called the Jihadi Message Board, an Arabic
translation of a U.S. Air Force Web page that mentioned an Ameri-can airman
of Lebanese descent. According to Rita Katz, executive director of the Site
Institute, the jihadist page added, in Arabic, "This hypocrite will be
going to Iraq in September of this year [2004]-I pray to Allah that his
cunning leads to his slaughter. I hope that he will be slaughtered the
Zarqawi's way, and then [go from there] to the lowest point in Hell." The
Site Institute alerted the military. Today, on one if its office walls
hangs a plaque offering the thanks of the Air Force Office of Special

 New technology may also give intelligence agencies the tools to sift
through online communications and discover terrorist plots. For example,
research suggests that people with nefarious intent tend to exhibit
distinct patterns in their use of e-mails or online forums like chat rooms.
Whereas most people establish a wide variety of contacts over time, those
engaged in plotting a crime tend to keep in touch only with a very tight
circle of people, says William Wallace, an operations researcher at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

This phenomenon is quite predictable. "Very few groups of people
communicate repeatedly only among themselves," says Wallace. "It's very
rare; they don't trust people outside the group to communicate. When 80
percent of communications is within a regular group, this is where we think
we will find the groups who are planning activities that are malicious." Of
course, not all such groups will prove to be malicious; the odd high-school
reunion will crop up. But Wallace's group is developing an algorithm that
will narrow down the field of so-called social networks to those that
warrant the scrutiny of intelligence officials. The algorithm is scheduled
for completion and delivery to intelligence agencies this summer.

And of course, the wider fight against spam and online fraud continues
apace. One of the greatest challenges facing anti-fraud forces is the ease
with which con artists can doctor their e-mails so that they appear to come
from known and trusted sources, such as colleagues or banks. In a scam
known as "phishing," this tactic can trick recipients into revealing bank
account numbers and passwords. Preventing such scams, according to Clarke,
"is relevant to counterterrorism because it would prevent a lot of
cyber-crime, which may be how [terrorists] are funding themselves. It may
also make it difficult to assume identities for one-time-use

 New e-mail authentication methods may offer a line of defense. Last fall,
AOL endorsed a Microsoft-designed system called Sender ID that closes
certain security loopholes and matches the IP (Internet Protocol) address
of the server sending an inbound e-mail against a list of servers
authorized to send mail from the message's purported source. Yahoo, the
world's largest e-mail provider with some 40 million accounts, is now
rolling out its own system, called Domain Keys, which tags each outgoing
e-mail message with an encrypted signature that can be used by the
recipient to verify that the message came from the purported domain. Google
is using the technology with its Gmail accounts, and other big ISPs,
including Earthlink, are following suit.

 Finally, the bigger ISPs are stepping in with their own reactive efforts.
Their "terms of service" are usually broad enough to allow them the
latitude to pull down objectionable sites when asked to do so. "When you
are talking about an online community, the power comes from the
individual," says Mary Osako, Yahoo's director of communications. "We
encourage our users to send [any concerns about questionable] content to
us-and we take action on every report."


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Related Stories:

Too Little, or Too Much
But most legal, policy, and security experts agree that these efforts,
taken together, still don't amount to a real solution. The new anti-spam
initiatives represent only the latest phase of an ongoing battle. "The
first step is, the industry has to realize there is a problem that is
bigger than they want to admit," says Peter Neumann, a computer scientist
at SRI International, a nonprofit research institute in Menlo Park, CA.
"There's a huge culture change that's needed here to create trustworthy
systems. At the moment we don't have anything I would call a trustworthy
system." Even efforts to use cryptography to confirm the authenticity of
e-mail senders, he says, are a mere palliative. "There are still lots of
problems" with online security, says Neumann. "Look at it as a very large
iceberg. This shaves off one-fourth of a percent, maybe 2 percent-but it's
a little bit off the top."

But if it's true that existing responses are insufficient to address the
problem, it may also be true that we're at risk of an overreaction. If
concrete links between online fraud and terrorist attacks begin emerging,
governments could decide that the Internet needs more oversight and create
new regulatory structures. "The ISPs could solve most of the spam and
phishing problems if made to do so by the FCC," notes Clarke. Even if the
Bali bomber's writings don't create such a reaction, something else might.
If no discovery of a a strong connection between online fraud and terrorism
is made, another trigger could be an actual act of "cyberterrorism"-the
long-feared use of the Internet to wage digital attacks against targets
like city power grids and air traffic control or communications systems. It
could be some online display of homicide so appalling that it spawns a new
drive for online decency, one countenanced by a newly conservative Supreme
Court. Terrorism aside, the trigger could be a pure business decision, one
aimed at making the Internet more transparent and more secure.

Zittrain concurs with Neumann but also predicts an impending overreaction.
Terrorism or no terrorism, he sees a convergence of security, legal, and
business trends that will force the Internet to change, and not necessarily
for the better. "Collectively speaking, there are going to be technological
changes to how the Internet functions-driven either by the law or by
collective action. If you look at what they are doing about spam, it has
this shape to it," Zittrain says. And while technologi-cal change might
improve online security, he says, "it will make the Internet less flexible.
If it's no longer possible for two guys in a garage to write and distribute
killer-app code without clearing it first with entrenched interests, we
stand to lose the very processes that gave us the Web browser, instant
messaging, Linux, and e-mail."

A concerted push toward tighter controls is not yet evident. But if
extremely violent content or terrorist use of the Internet might someday
spur such a push, a chance for preëmptive action may lie with ISPs and Web
hosting companies. Their efforts need not be limited to fighting spam and
fraud. With respect to the content they publish, Web hosting companies
could act more like their older cousins, the television broadcasters and
newspaper and maga-zine editors, and exercise a little editorial judgment,
simply by enforcing existing terms of service.

Is Web content already subject to any such editorial judgment? Generally
not, but sometimes, the hopeful eye can discern what appear to be its
consequences. Consider the mysterious inconsistency among the results
returned when you enter the word "beheading" into the major search engines.
On Google and MSN, the top returns are a mixed bag of links to responsible
news accounts, historical information, and ghoulish sites that offer raw
video with teasers like "World of Death, Iraq beheading videos, death
photos, suicides and crime scenes." Clearly, such results are the product
of algorithms geared to finding the most popular, relevant, and well-linked

 But enter the same search term at -Yahoo, and the top returns are profiles
of the U.S. and British victims of beheading in Iraq. The first 10 results
include links to biographies of Eugene Armstrong, Jack Hensley, Kenneth
Bigley, Nicholas Berg, Paul Johnson, and Daniel Pearl, as well as to
memorial websites. You have to load the second page of search results to
find a link to Is this oddly tactful ordering the aberrant
result of an algorithm as pitiless as the ones that churn up gore links
elsewhere? Or is -Yahoo, perhaps in a nod to the victims' memories and
their families' feelings, making an exception of the words "behead" and
"beheading," treating them differently than it does thematically comparable
words like "killing" and "stabbing?"

Yahoo's Osako did not reply to questions about this search-return oddity;
certainly, a technological explanation cannot be excluded. But it's clear
that such questions are very sensitive for an industry that has, to date,
enjoyed little intervention or regulation. In its response to complaints,
says Richard Clarke, "the industry is very willing to coöperate and be good
citizens in order to stave off re-gulation." Whether it goes further and
adopts a stricter editorial posture, he adds, "is a decision for the ISP
[and Web hosting company] to make as a matter of good taste and as a matter
of supporting the U.S. in the global war on terror." If such decisions
evolve into the industrywide assumption of a more journalistic role, they
could, in the end, be the surest route to a more responsible medium-one
that is less easy to exploit and not so vulnerable to a clampdown.

David Talbot is Technology Review's chief correspondent.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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