On 27 Feb 2005 at 18:53, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> March 7 issue - Aviation obsessives with cameras and Internet 
> connections have become a threat to cover stories established 
> by the CIA to mask its undercover operations and personnel 
> overseas. U.S. intel sources complain that "plane 
> spotters"-hobbyists who photograph airplanes landing or 
> departing local airports and post the pix on the 
> Internet-made it possible for CIA critics recently to 
> assemble details of a clandestine transport system the agency 
> set up to secretly move cargo and people-including terrorist 
> suspects-around the world.

Brinworld:  They may be watching us, but we are also watching 

The large number of surveillance cameras popping up in American 
cities has turned out to be no threat to liberty.  Most of them 
are privately owned, and their private owners have no 
inclination to review their records, unless a real crime has 
been committed, and no inclination to hand over to authorities 
records that would primarily reveal their own activities.  In 
recent incidents where private surviellance camera records were 
given to authorities, the authorities received only selected 
excerpts, only what the owner of the records chose to reveal. 

         James A. Donald

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