Prosecutors: CIA agents left trail
Cellphone calls blew their cover

Thursday, July 28, 2005; Posted: 8:05 p.m. EDT (00:05 GMT)

ROME, Italy (AP) -- It wasn't their lavish spending in luxury hotels, their use 
of credit cards or even frequent-flier miles that drew attention. Instead it 
was a trail of casual cellphone use that tripped up the 19 purported CIA 
operatives wanted by Italian authorities in the alleged kidnapping of a radical 
Muslim cleric.

Italian prosecutors who have obtained arrest warrants for the 19 -- none of 
whom are believed to be in Italy -- presented evidence that the suspects used 
at least 40 Italian cell phones, some in their own names.

Experts say that either they were bumbling spies, or they acted with impunity 
because Italian officials had been informed of their plan -- a claim the 
government of Premier Silvio Berlusconi has publicly denied on several 
occasions. (Full story)

"If these were really CIA agents they've made a disaster," said Andrea Nativi, 
research director for the Rome-based Military Center for Strategic Studies. 
"They strained relations between Italy and the U.S. and between the CIA and 
Italian intelligence agencies."

Italian judges issued a first batch of warrants last month for 13 Americans 
accused of abducting Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, known as Abu Omar, on a Milan 
street on February 17, 2003.

Another court this week issued another six warrants for a group the prosecution 
claims planned the abduction. (Full story)
Vulnerable cellphones

The Egyptian cleric was flown from Aviano, a joint U.S.-Italian air base north 
of Venice, to Ramstein Air Base in Germany and then to Egypt, where he was 
reportedly tortured. The operation purportedly was part of the CIA's 
"extraordinary rendition" program, in which terror suspects are transferred to 
third countries without court approval.

In his request for the latest warrants, prosecutor Armando Spataro wrote that 
an analysis of mobile phone traffic showed that most of them were present on 
the route that Abu Omar habitually took from his home to a Milan mosque, 
"including in the days before" the kidnapping.

A track of their cell phones also showed them on those streets "nearly 100 
times" during the month before Abu Omar's disappearance, the prosecutor said. 
He concluded that the six were part "of a single group of Americans who came to 
Milan to carry out the operation."

Why they would use their cell phones so openly has baffled experts, 
particularly since prosecutors are certain that not all the names of the 19 
suspects are aliases.

One has been identified by prosecutors as the former CIA station chief in 
Milan, Robert Seldon Lady, who owns a retirement home in wine country in Asti, 
near Turin. Though police didn't find Lady there when they raided the house, 
they did discover a list of hotels where U.S. government employees received 
discounts, including hotels where prosecutors contend the suspects stayed.

Another person on the list has the same name as a man who now works at the U.S. 
Embassy in Tanzania.

Unless the power or the wireless antenna is turned off, a mobile phone remains 
in constant contact with the nearest cell towers even when it's not being used 
for a call. Information processed by the cells can be used to precisely locate 
or track the movements of a phone user.

Nativi, the military expert, called the use of regular cell phone accounts "a 
huge weakness in the operation."

It would have been more difficult to track anonymous prepaid cards, satellite 
phones or radios, he said.

The wireless system used in Italy and most of the rest of Europe relies on a 
stamp-sized smart card that is inserted in the back of every handset. This 
removable "SIM" card stores an individual's phone number and other account data.

A unique numerical identifier is assigned to every phone and every SIM, said 
Bruno Errico, director of consulting for Openwave Global Services, a company 
that provides tracking applications and other software to wireless companies 

Wireless companies are obliged by law to keep records of the unique data that 
each phone exchanges with the cell network as well as the numbers to which 
calls are placed, he said.

Since a phone is served by several cells at any given time, investigators can 
easily triangulate the location of a device, Errico said. In an urban area, 
where the network of cells is dense and overlapping, such tracking can have a 
margin of error of just a few yards.
Going uncovered

Had the agents used non-Italian phones and SIMs, the local network would still 
have tracked them, but magistrates might have had a tougher time linking the 
phones to each of the suspects since not all countries require wireless users 
to provide identification, said Errico. To avoid tracking, the agents would 
have had to use other systems not available to the general public, such as 
radios, Errico said.

"As long as you use public communication systems, there is no way you can avoid 
being tracked," he said.

Or, as Nativi put it: "When you go on this kind of operation, you need to turn 
off your damn phone."

Yoram Schweitzer, a researcher for the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies in 
Tel Aviv, said he wasn't surprised the operatives stayed in five-star hotels, 
which provide excellent cover for those posing as businessmen or businesswomen. 
But analysts did question whether using of credit cards was advisable.

Chris Aaron, a former editor of Jane's Intelligence Review magazine, said the 
team must have known that local cells phones put them at risk of being exposed.

"A CIA team would have been aware of the Italian ability to log calls and track 
their location, so they clearly weren't worried about that," he said.

The CIA in Washington has declined to comment on the case.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="";>leitl</a>
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