Coderman wrote...

the state of oregon just passed a law (yet to be put into effect) that
requires a prescription from a doctor for all sudafed (pseudo
ephedrine) purchases.  the problem isn't drug addicts killing
themselves with corrosive fluids, as this would be a problem that
solves itself in short order, but rather that meth heads are idiotic
crime machines.  i've had numerous friends and acquaintances affected
by this (vehicles stolen or broken into, property damaged and/or
stolen, tweakers robbing at knife point, etc, etc) and it's getting

Yes, but the old question needs to be asked: How much of this crime would go away if crystal meth were legal? There's little doubt that the vast majority of drug-related crime stems not from some crazed crime spree but from issues relating to supply and demand. Legalizing drug XYZ no doubt drops the cost.

Then again, if we legalized a lot of drugs then what would all those corrections officers do for a living? Become airport security experts no doubt.


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