Whomever the flea bitten bitch that signed these search warrant is needs to
find themselves a job at McDonalds!  What bastards!


Court authorizes search of Northwest employees' home computers

Eric Wieffering and Tony Kennedy Star Tribune
Tuesday, February 8, 2000 

Northwest Airlines last week began court-authorized searches of the home
computers of between 10 and 20 flight attendants, looking for private e-mail
and other
evidence that the employees helped to organize a sickout at the airline over
the New Year's holiday.

The search has since been suspended pending a temporary settlement of the
airline's lawsuit against Teamsters Local 2000, the union representing 11,000
flight attendants. But privacy advocates and attorneys not involved with the
case say Northwest's action may embolden other companies to more aggressively
monitor what employees say and do online from their home computers.



---------------------------- Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos -------------------- 
 + ^ +  Sunder              "Only someone completely distrustful of   /|\ 
  \|/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    all government would be opposed to what /\|/\ 
<--*--> -------------------- we are doing with surveillance cameras" \/|\/ 
  /|\   You're on the air.   -- NYC Police Commish H. Safir.          \|/ 
 + v +  Say 'Hi' to Echelon  "Privacy is an 'antisocial act'" - The FedZ.
---------------------------- http://www.sunder.net -----------------------
I love the smell of Malathion in the morning, it smells like brain cancer.

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