In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 02/10/00 
   at 01:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) said:

>Can anyone comment on the status of beating the MPAA-enforced DeCSS 
>prohibition by composition of DeCSS from code fragments, one line at a
>time,  each posted on a different site?  Since the MPAA couldn't get an
>injunction  against linking, and no site is posting DeCSS itself (only a
>single line), would they be able to attack it in any way?  If not, could
>I get a list of volunteers (*after* someone's checked that it's OK, I'd
>prefer not to be flooded just yet ... I wish I could say I'd thought of
>this one but credit should go to Paul Hoffman for the idea).

>On an unrelated topic, does anyone know what's happened with the 
> cypherpunks mail -> news gateway?

IIRC several years ago someone wrote a script that would split up pgp into
multiple parts (say 100) and then each e-mail message they sent out would
have a different part at the bottom of the message.

DeCSS is small, couldn't something similar be set up? Say 2 or 3 lines of
code on the bottom of every e-mail message?

Hmmm ... I think I'll take a look at this tonight.

William H. Geiger III            
Geiger Consulting    

Data Security & Cryptology Consulting
Programming, Networking, Analysis
PGP for OS/2:         

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