Still don't have an Interactive WEB Site? Have Directory Listing or a Web Page? Almost everyone has joined in on the Internet revolution, including you, but what is in store for the future of the World Wide Web? Traditional advertising will soon be completely swept away by the more powerful, more effective, more cost-conscious Internet. First E-Commerce Corporation specializes in designing interactive web sites for the legal community. Whether you already have a web page or simply advertise on the 'net, you are probably not seeing the results you'd like. Most legal pages contain generic information and are difficult to locate. The key to the success of a web site is the amount of traffic that it brings. With our experienced web site developers and graphic designers, we can help you in creating greater visibility, expanding your client base, as well as provide a means for increasing services to existing clients. The sites that we design are not simply informative, but interactive as well. Visiting your site should be something that the visitor enjoys experiencing again and again, a reference tool for both you and your clients. Our sites send the message that your Firm is innovative and can use the most up to date technology to tackle their legal issues. We hold the winning formula that will prove you are one step ahead and can offer the quickest, easiest, most cost-effective services to your clients. Our web site package will enable your clients access to forms and documents that can be downloaded from your site 24 hours a day. You will be able to automatically bill clients for these additional services, while sending the message that your assistance is always available. This will increase your billable hours without increasing the man-hours to do it. The Internet revolution has carried over to the courts as well, and our web sites enable you and your clients to file legal documents electronically. Our database-enabled site is the first of it's kind, and allows easy access to legal forms and thousands of legal documents for both attorneys and clients. The First e-Commerce Corporation package is revolutionizing the way law firms conduct their daily communications with clients. Come join the revolution and let us develop a site for your Firm that makes you stand out from the crowd. Contact: Lonnie Brookins Tel: 408-727-3883 x101 Fax: 408-727-3882 E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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