Few additional entries from the diary of Markku J. Saarelainen ..

In one chapter of the diaries of Markku J. Saarelainen he discusses his
love with classical music and how he enjoy going to many concerts and
listen classical music. It appears that few major thoughts of his were
brought up soon after few concerts. This is just one of those evidences how
different his desires and background was from a family where he grew up and
a family with which he stayed with in the U.S.A. It appears that he has
combined his gift of mathematics with waves of many composers from 1800 to
current. He also wrote that one of the most influential characters during
his development was a Jew from a movie in 1970's who escaped from Holocaust
and came to the U.S.A. and then lost again all just to discover again the
real meaning of the life. After reading most of his pages he actually
seemed to understand the world and foresee the future. As I completed my
research on him, I found out that he really did not want to trust anybody
unless he could trust them for his life. In many cases, he was a kind
strange and very adaptable having quite an extensive global
experience. In one paragraph that he wrote in April, 1997, he specified
that he is not afraid of any high level governmental officials or
executives. According to his 1998 entries, his family situations in Finland
in 1980's and the U.S.A. in 1990's were not very suitable to bring up his
best qualities.


William A. Nelson
Willian A. Nelson
URL: http://homestead.virtualjerusalem.com/waeg/

DISCLAIMER: No thought written in this message is a statement of any
organization by which I am employed or for which I work. 

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