At 09:48 PM 2/13/00 -0500, dmolnar wrote:

>On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >         We worked really hard for you this year.  Specifically,
> > we hired dozens of Harvard students to build
>This much is true.
>On another startup note, one of the people living in my dorm is in Wired
>this month lamenting the lack of any courses here on "ecommerce strategy."
>This suggests to me the question : if something like ecommerce is
>important enough to merit a course, why not crypto-anarchy?
>and what would a course in either or both look like?

Tell Harvard I'm available.

Crypto Anarchy 101

1.  Intro
2.  History
3.  Crypto
4.  Networks
5.  Markets
6.  Politics
7.  Prognostication

"Di-electrical materialism dooms the Ancien Regime, the Treaty of 
Westphalia, the Communist International, the whole shooting match"

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