Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 11:01:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: New Drug Enforcement Data from TRAC

      Here is some news from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
(TRAC), the data gathering and data distribution organization associated with
Syracuse University.

      First. We have just put up interesting new data on the DEA, Customs and
federal drug enforcement in general. The information is now available on our
updated DEA site and TRAC's entirely new Customs Service site. Both 
are free. As
always, information from the sites is embargoed to give you some 
reporting time.
Release is for Monday, March 13. Key findings: federal drug sentences are
substantially down, marijuana involved in more federal convictions 
than any other
single drug. Customs now the number two federal agency on drugs. For more go to

      Second. As you may know, in addition to our public sites on the DEA,
Customs, INS, FBI and ATF, TRAC also operates a special subscription site for
reporters called TRACFED. Although the public sites have a great deal of
information, TRACFED allows you to undertake much more sophisticated analyses
of what the government actually is doing. This news-only site was 
developed with
support from the Knight Foundation. TRACFED offers a vast range of 
material. (1)
Information about the enforcement actions of all federal investigators and
prosecutors -- any agency, any law, any Justice Department program 
category, any
federal judicial district or for the nation as a whole. Also 
available on TRACFED is
(2) comprehensive information on IRS audits, (3) staffing of almost 
all federal civil
agencies and (4) more or less instantaneous access to demographic and economic
data by county, state and federal judicial district. For more 
information about how
to subscribe to TRACFED again go to For 
more information

      Coming attractions. As we have done for the last few years, we 
are planning
to put up a new edition of our IRS site in late March or early April, 
embargoed for
sometime around the 15th. You will of course get a notice.

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Syracuse University
488 Newhouse II
Syracuse, NY  13244-2100

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