On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Tim May wrote:

> At 8:05 AM -0800 3/6/00, Trei, Peter wrote:
> >As some will recall, about 3 years ago, I started a thread entitled
> >"'Cypherpunks' considered harmful" suggesting we needed to find a
> >new title for the mailing list. Tim objected quite vehemently, as
> >I recall.

He wasn't the only one.

> You are of course free to call yourself anything you like, and to name any
> mailing list or club or whatever.
> Calling for a democratic vote on _this_ list is futile, however.
> I recall that Perry Metzger argued vehemently in 1993 or so that the name
> was not productive. He eventually formed his own mailing list.
> "Secret Admirers" as a good name? For the gays, I suppose. Please tell me
> you are kidding. But don't let this stop you from using Stephenson's
> name...I didn't try to stop _him_ from using "Cryptonomicon."

It ain't often I agree with Tim but this is one of those times.


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