> March 6, 2000
> Computer Reseller News
> Intel Corp. on Monday unveiled a new technology to make mobile PCs
> more secure by rendering them useless to thieves.

> The Intel Protected Access Architecture identifies a notebook PC owner
> through devices such as fingerprint readers, USB tokens or smart cards
> before the system boots up. The notebook will not boot up for an
> unauthorized user, consequently preventing access to data.

"Useless to thieves?"  Har.

It's a rare thief who steals a notebook for the prior user's data.

If the thief has physical possession of the notebook, he can easily unplug
the authenticator, block boot the motherboard, install software of his own
choice, and make it into his own notebook.

Access to data can be more easily protected by encryption with a password,
which requires no gadgetry.  Physical access to the notebook allows one to
do anything one likes to it, including building a new notebook from its
parts, minus any unwanted authentication widgets.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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