Date:  March 3, 2000
For more information contact: Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Leslie Byster -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or 408-287-6707
Ted Smith - 408-287-6707
Media Advisory:

Warning: Hazardous Substances in Computers

A "warning message on the presence of hazardous substances in computers"
(see below) was sent to 40 key Eurpoean Commission officials who will soon
be deciding the fate of the very important Directive on Waste Electrical &
Electronic Equipment (WEEE Directive). The "warning" sent by
Greenpeace-Europe can be viewed at

The debate is heating up as electronics industry lobbyists, including the
American Electronics Association, are intensifying their efforts to weaken
the lesislation that would establish "Take-Back" requirements and phase out
some of the most toxic materials currently in use.  The AEA is a 3000
member trade group whose members include Intel, Microsoft, IBM.

The "warning message" contains very informative web site links that provide
extensive background information about health and environmental hazards
from toxic materials found in computers.

The idea is to use the medium of the computer to alert those officials in
Europe who play a key role in formulating the future directive on waste
electrical and electronic equipment about the threats the hazardous
used in their computers pose to human health and the environment.

The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, and its international network, the
Campaign for Responsible Technology, launched the Clean Computer Camapign
in 1997.  Supporters of the Clean Computer Campaign and the E-Waste
Directive are asked to send letters to the European Commissioners. A sample
letter can be found at

For more information:
**Background document on hazards and waste from computers

**An assessment of hazardous materials and take-back policies of major
computer corporations -

**Inventory of chemicals found at a semiconductor chip fabrication facility

**Strategies for clean production -

**Resources and maps showing pollution created by high-tech industry -

**Information about environmental and health impacts of high-tech industry
in general -

Leslie Byster
Communications Director
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
760 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408-287-6707
Fax: 408-287-6771

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