Robert Hettinga wrote:

>> Well, it seems that we're arguing about word definitions, which is a most
>> stupid thing to do.
>Sorry if you feel that way. I was just going for a laugh, and not really
>arguing with you at all...

Charlie Trie said the same in Congress a few days ago, when explaining
how he brokered for export "medical equipment" which allegedly can
be used to manufacture bioweaponry juice. Bob Barr, reading from
an analysis of the equipment written by a DoD dual-use technologist,
attempted to nail Charlie, who in answer leaned to his lawyer, got a
new joke to tell, and delivered deadpan word artistry stupidities.

The clock kept running, Barr fuming and ridiculing Charlie and his
attorney confecting hilarious dual-interpretations of lawyerly English
run out of snake-tongued mouth into dragon-dance ear, parsed
by bi-national noodling noggin, to be lip-flapped, eyes squinched,
by Charlie at Bob, eyes squinched and brow furrowed, who couldn't 
fit Charlie's joke with the joke in the incomprehensible analysis.

Just before Caroline's mic is yanked, there's a straight-faced backgrounder
on Charlie's alleged switcheroo thigh slapper at:

Names of the dual-use tounge-spiltting, ear licking, finger-pointing joke 
writers therein disclosed. How did you guess FBI?

And how about that list of honorees the FBI released yesterday to
show that spying on Americans is American Pie:

Very funny stuff, venerable, institutionalized evil. Verily religion.

Oops, nevermind, this thread is about bread. Ha! Hiccup.

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